Our Team
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bow lines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ” Mark Twain
Travel and Photography is run by us, Fiona & Raj, a couple of explorers & adventurers who’ve spent the past 15 years traveling extensively & gathering a wealth of experience to share. As freelance film makers, writers and photographers, we are passionate about storytelling and we hope to share tales that will inspire you to get out to explore this incredible world, with renewed enthusiasm for life. Each year we also put together a couple of unique adventures on which we invite you our readers to join us.
Our aim is not to write about everything we have seen and done. That would be downright boring because honestly sometimes we’re really not that exciting. We write about those places we know well. Places we have spent an extended time, long enough to be able to say we know it on many levels. We’re not trying to visit every country in the world, travel to us isn’t about ticking off destinations, it’s about the experiences, the adventures, the connections, the friendships and a life well lived.
On this site you’ll find a range of articles covering everything from in depth travel guides to shorter experiences and instructional how-to guides. Occasionally we invite trusted friends we’ve met along the way to share their ideas and articles too.
You may also notice we have a strong focus on conservation. Born from Fiona’s time managing the concession in Kruger, where she helped with a relocation of endangered wild dog in association with the Endangered Wildlife Trust, a rhino relocation project and also actively took part in anti-poaching measures. We both have a love of biological recording and assist with this both in the UK and Abroad. We continue to actively support many charities including the Giraffe Conservation Foundation and African Parks Network who we have spent time with in Uganda and Chad helping with the surveying and monitoring of critically endangered Nubian and Kordofan giraffe populations. We truly understand the importance of raising awareness & inspiring others to help create sustainable solutions to wildlife conservation and fundraising for these charities is integral to all we do.

Hi, I’m Fiona MacKay and I make up half of this storytelling team.
Having lost my father at a young age I’ve always been acutely aware of the transient, fleeting nature of life and the need to make every second count. As a result I’ve done my fair share of adventuring, from traversing Botswana’s incredible Okavango delta on foot, crossing the Andes in South America on horseback, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro to running a marathon on the streets of Paris and even walking on fire. Whilst I’ve visited many parts of South America, Canada and Europe, it is Africa that has always held my heart and captivated my soul. From the highlands of Ethiopia to the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, I’ve spent years slowly exploring all the lands in between. For almost 5 years I made the Greater Kruger National Park in South Africa my home. I managed a game lodge and was responsible for managing a 2000hectare concession, from the road infrastructure to the wildlife & of course the 1000s of tourists I met through the years, I left with a comprehensive understanding of not just travelling in Africa but also living and working in the safari industry, in an unrelenting and harsh environment. I’m often described as fearless, but that’s not true, I just decided that fear wouldn’t stop me living life, my way. In a way that resonates with meaning and experiences. My greatest hope has always been to inspire and encourage others. When I look back on my journey, I want to be able to see that I trod lightly on this earth and left only Love in the shadow of my footprints.

Hi, I’m Raj Hunjan and I make up the other half of the team.
I bought my first digital SLR 7 years ago for a Safari in South Africa and quickly became hooked on both photography and Africa. In truth though I’ve always enjoyed taking pictures and travelling, which I believe naturally go hand in hand. Ever since I could travel on my own I did just that, spending all my earnings on exploring. I still grab every opportunity to get out and see far off places. Some of my favourite trips have been the less organised ones, like buying a Ford panel van in Sydney and taking off for four months around Australia. I’ve spent a fair bit of time in Asia too, soaking up the culture and biodiversity. When I am not immersed in nature, I fuel my other passion which is all things motorcar. I have an extensive background in the motoring press, as a writer, photographer and editor. I specialise in motoring photography shoots and producing bespoke books for car collectors. However I am just as at home on location spending hours in a hide, photographing wildlife with Fiona. So what do I bring to the table? Editorial and design expertise as well as post production skills that help us to really showcase our photography in unique and innovative ways.